Can a breaker be used as a disconnect

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Senior Member
Hanover park, il
I have 3 new thermolators, and the FLA is 12.43 amp at 460 volts, I need to remove the old ones that where installed around 20 years ago, for the new ones, can I use
3-20 amp breakers as the disconnect, or do I need to install 3-fused or safety disconnects one for each unit.

Thank you,
You can use breakers as disconnects. Keep in mind there are other requirements for disconnecting means besides what device is allowed to be used.
Thank you,

I have 3 Thermarator's, each is 460 volts 3 phase the FLA is 12.43 amps.
do I need each unit on its own disconnect ( breaker ), or can I have all
3 on one disconnect. to be code complaint, ?? I am in industrial manufacturer
Thank you. for any and all information.
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