Can a second service be installed on the outside of a building to feed portable equipment?

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Southern California
Electrical Engineer
I need to provide a 100A service for portable equipment that will be located next to a small 10'x10' building that has a 50A panel. I'd like to install a new service to a 100A panel on the exterior wall of the building. The existing 50A service for the building and the new 100A service for the portable equipment will be fed from the same transformer. I don't see anything in the code that specifically addresses this situation. Is this acceptable?
As long as the second service remains "outside" I don't see any issue code wise. If the two buildings arent owned by the same person I wouldn't go down that path. For example, building owner of existing building wants to renovate he may be stuck with the fees to modify the adjacent tenants service as well?

One thing to consider with the building inspector/official...I had a project recently where we had to locate the electrical gear outside on a "C" shape CMU wall fenced-in enclosure, slightly away from the building it served. Inspector said he wouldn't approve the design unless we made sure the disconnect was within sight and <=15' from the building it served. The 15' isn't a code requirement, I believe its stated as "within close proximity" and that was his interpretation of it.
As long as the second service remains "outside" I don't see any issue code wise. If the two buildings arent owned by the same person I wouldn't go down that path. For example, building owner of existing building wants to renovate he may be stuck with the fees to modify the adjacent tenants service as well?

One thing to consider with the building inspector/official...I had a project recently where we had to locate the electrical gear outside on a "C" shape CMU wall fenced-in enclosure, slightly away from the building it served. Inspector said he wouldn't approve the design unless we made sure the disconnect was within sight and QUOTE]It's the same owner so no issue there. Thanks for the response.

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230.2 Number of Services.

A building or other structure served shall be supplied by only one service unless permitted in 230.2(A) through (D). For the purpose of 230.40, Exception No. 2 only, underground sets of conductors, 1/0 AWG and larger, running to the same location and connected together at their supply end but not connected together at their load end shall be considered to be supplying one service.
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