can lights

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Senior Member
Raeford, NC
Doing a job that calls for 12 2x4 lay-ins and 12 cans in a grid ceiling. I know I will have to support the lay-ins with wire since they do not have the clips. But what about the cans? The mounting bars have a locking clips built in for snapping over the grid bar but would they also need wire for support?
Doing a job that calls for 12 2x4 lay-ins and 12 cans in a grid ceiling. I know I will have to support the lay-ins with wire since they do not have the clips. But what about the cans? The mounting bars have a locking clips built in for snapping over the grid bar but would they also need wire for support?

If the ceiling is not rated for such, I would say 'yes' they need to be independent of the

ceiling grid.

I'm going on memory here so no code article, I should know better by now.
Doing a job that calls for 12 2x4 lay-ins and 12 cans in a grid ceiling. I know I will have to support the lay-ins with wire since they do not have the clips. But what about the cans? The mounting bars have a locking clips built in for snapping over the grid bar but would they also need wire for support?

No clips does not mean support wires are necessary. You can still secure to grid with other methods like screw or rivet. (For those who do not have other rules beyond the NEC.)

410.36 Means of Support.

(B) Suspended Ceilings. Framing members of suspended ceiling systems used to support luminaires shall be securely fastened to each other and shall be securely attached to the building structure at appropriate intervals. Luminaires shall be securely fastened to the ceiling framing member by mechanical means such as bolts, screws, or rivets. Listed clips identified for use with the type of ceiling framing member(s) and luminaire(s) shall also be permitted.

Securely fastened is very questionable with many of the clips that I have seen on a lot of troffers. But never had trouble with inspector on it either.
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