Can we eliminate having a service disconnect switch if lockable VFD unit at Motor Control Center?


Hello, Forum Gurus,
I'm currently working on a plant with motors on the plant floor. The MCC and VFD's are located in the main electrical room. Initially I added a service disconnect within line of sight of each motor in addition to VFD's and controls at the MCC, but I believe there is something in the code that allows elimination of the service disconnects if we have means to making controls lockable at the MCC in the electrical room. Not sure where in the code I can learn more about this, if anyone can help, I would appreciate it.
Terminology is important. Local industry slang can be confusing on forums, like this one,

A service disconnect is located at the service entrance, the spot where the utility stuff becomes your stuff.
I believe you are questioning a local disconnect used while performing service on a motor or piece of equipment.