The other night while working at a fannie mae data center upgrade , we were installing new feeds to some critical equipment that when finished 99% of the way we were to inform the buildings engineer whom would inform the building contract electricians to shut down the equipment so we could transfer over the feed and minimise down time.
about 50% into the job and one of the contract electricians asks if he can borrow my hack saw and I ask why and he informs me so he can cut the liquid tite open on the feed, I asked him whom told him to shut it down and how far he was into it and could he turn it back on , he responded NO -that they had already demoed the feed and they were told to do so by the building engineer
I immediatly notified the GC and he requested the eneneer come up so we could speak to him - he initally denied it but then the contract guys started getting upset and then he copped to it saying there had been a missunderstanding
LOL - my company(I wrote it, they submitted it) had to fill out a MAP - methodolgy of work listing step by step
of exactly what we were doing, so that the down time on the affected critical 3 cir. would be no more than 30 min.
as it turned out they were down for 5 hr.s and as I was leaving the Engineer was sweating bullets because the biometrics - eyescanner system to allow access into the data center - had not come back up
If we had done this they would have thrown us to the sidewalk
about 50% into the job and one of the contract electricians asks if he can borrow my hack saw and I ask why and he informs me so he can cut the liquid tite open on the feed, I asked him whom told him to shut it down and how far he was into it and could he turn it back on , he responded NO -that they had already demoed the feed and they were told to do so by the building engineer
I immediatly notified the GC and he requested the eneneer come up so we could speak to him - he initally denied it but then the contract guys started getting upset and then he copped to it saying there had been a missunderstanding
LOL - my company(I wrote it, they submitted it) had to fill out a MAP - methodolgy of work listing step by step
of exactly what we were doing, so that the down time on the affected critical 3 cir. would be no more than 30 min.
as it turned out they were down for 5 hr.s and as I was leaving the Engineer was sweating bullets because the biometrics - eyescanner system to allow access into the data center - had not come back up
If we had done this they would have thrown us to the sidewalk