Is SOOW Cable rated for direct burial? I have a spool of it and would like to use it for a 4-5 week installation, not long-term.
I don't believe so, based on table 400.4 & article 590Is SOOW Cable rated for direct burial? I have a spool of it and would like to use it for a 4-5 week installation, not long-term.
Is SOOW Cable rated for direct burial? I have a spool of it and would like to use it for a 4-5 week installation, not long-term.
Not really.Well, no, but temporary allows all sorts of things that aren't normally allowed.
What are you calling "direct burial" in this temporary situation?
I've pulled up someone else's SO cord that's been a few inches under the surface for years, and it looked fine.
590.2 All Wiring Installations.
(A) Other Articles. Except as specifically modified in this article, all other requirements of this Code for permanent wiring shall apply to temporary wiring installations.