Can you install a Can light in stairwells??

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Senior Member
A large remodel of an Old wood structure, Mostly paint and patch the wall coverings.
In the main old wood stairwell, it is fairly narrow 48in wide? It currently has t-grid under covering the wood stair-treads from the floor above, The ceilings are not very tall and are constantly damaged by teenagers. currently there is a 2x4 t-grid fixture at each landing
The plans call for single layer of sheetrock and can lights to be installed, I feel it is a fire hazard,
What is the best method for illumination???

IC cans can be installed and can even touch the wood however you may feel heat thru the treads. Non IC Cans must be 1/2" from combustibles. Generally I try and keep it clear of wood -- you can also use an LED or cfl bulb and you won't get the heat as you do from an incandescent
You can put some .5" Hardie Backer tile board against the wood the you are worried about.
I had a customer complain that the hardwood floor directly above each can light was quite warm and worrisome for him.
Now I try to put some backer board or drywall above a can with a little air space between it and the wood above.
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