Can you run for 480v and 120v in the same gutter box

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Oxnard CA
I’m at work doing demo removing the power from AC units on the roof pulling and removing the wires from the conduit all the way back to the panel and in the T-bar ceiling I found a massive 4‘ x 4‘ x 12 gutter box and it has 480v in it and 120v conductors in it and I want to know is that legal. I believe it is because I know you could have 480 and 120 in the same conduit long is the voltage doesn’t pass the voltage rating on the wire insulation. But I don’t have my code book on me and I just wanted to doublecheck. Thanks for any feed back

Such a pain to open and close in this T-bar space in the sort through all these wires
Yes, modern 120 volt and 480 volt conductors can be in the same pullbox. I wouldn't want to open that mess.
It’s a good electrical installation all around I was 90 % sure you could mix the voltages me and my coworker are having a discussion about it and my coworker was questioning it and I don’t have my code book on me to show him it is ok thanks for the confirmation
208/120 black, red and blue ... 480/277 brown, orange and yellow. Hopefully they pulled those colors already from the panel.
It's a work of art ! ... Really liked your first picture of the uniformity of all the offsets and no use of concentric knockouts.
Yea I’m guilty of the same. It really makes me proud when I see good craftsmanship and motivates me to make sure my work is just as good so when the next guy finds it he wants to take a picture of it. I was actually worried that when I got the cover off the wires were going to fall down all over my head like I was getting attacked by an electric jellyfish but not the case here. My hats off to whoever installed this.
Yea I’m guilty of the same. It really makes me proud when I see good craftsmanship and motivates me to make sure my work is just as good so when the next guy finds it he wants to take a picture of it. I was actually worried that when I got the cover off the wires were going to fall down all over my head like I was getting attacked by an electric jellyfish but not the case here. My hats off to whoever installed this.
Especially the use of short sections of EMT as an anchoring method.
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