Capacitor "goo"

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Senior Member
Delmarva, USA
I troubleshot an HID fixture today (250 watt metal halide), and determined that the capacitor was bad. It was a 15 ?f but measured out at about 1.09 ?f. It was bulging a bit, and had some mysterious white "goo" slimed on one side.

This goo appeared to be similar in consistency to plumbers' pipe thread dope.

We figure that lightning got to this capacitor and made a pinhole in one side where the goo oozed out from.

Has anybody else here had a similar experience when dealing with HID lighting capacitors? :-?
I had 4 Low Bay MH 175W w/improperly installed clips(similar to 1 hole clip) that peirced the cap, it made quite a mess when they heated up. Ruined the customer's brand new carpet, the rep sent 6 new fixtures and paid for the carpet to be cleaned. It was oily and not easy to get off.

I am seeing quite a few round plastic capacitor failures in metal halide pulse start fixtures - all of the same ballast manufacturer. The capacitor usually bulges out or there is a hard grey material that has been forced out of the capacitor.
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