Kwired as always has good points to make.
I will add that in HVAC Troubleshooting, one will deal with a large number of capacitors on PSC motors.
Mostly they do fail open, but every now and then you will see one fail in some kind of unusual apparent shorted manner.
Memory tells me that those motors typically will not start, but the other thing is they will self destruct pretty quick if the condition is left unchecked.
Same thing with an open fault.
The " open failure " will sometimes allow said motor to still start, but it will draw high current and go off on thermal in most cases.
This is especially true with respect to Single Phase compressors having start and run capacitors.
The common failure being run capacitor open and start gear still operable.
High current and off on thermal after minimal run time.
Its rare but not unheard of that condenser fan motors have gone out with incorrect rated capacitors from the factory and the result is the same.
This is especially true when dealing with fractional horsepower motors utilizing capacitors in the range of 2.5-7.5 mfd as is does not take much at all to be over the 10% rule on tolerance.