I have a customer that is a new car dealer. They have perhaps 100 to 150 MH shoe box fixtures mounted on 30' poles operating on 208 Volts. My contact at the dealership (not a technical person) is a bit frustrated with the number of bulbs that burn out. He had another electrician changing the bulbs but has hired me to look into the problem a little deeper and to replace bulbs and general electrical work. I assume one of two things; first, the bulbs are lasting per manufacturers warrantee and he's just not keeping accurate records. Time does fly. Or, he has a power condition problem of some kind.
What would you recommend as first steps. Also, are power companies of much help in these instances?
If I need to check the condition of the power, can you suggest a power conditioner that works well and won't break the bank account. Buy or Rent?
Thanks - Chris
What would you recommend as first steps. Also, are power companies of much help in these instances?
If I need to check the condition of the power, can you suggest a power conditioner that works well and won't break the bank account. Buy or Rent?
Thanks - Chris