Carbon Monoxide hazard possibly greater than building code expected....

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Staff member
Placerville, CA, USA
Retired PV System Designer
Just saw this article on diffusion of CO across what could be a fire rated gypsum wallboard situation.
I have not analyzed it in detail nor seen any peer reviews, but it could change your mind about what is needed in terms of CO detectors and placement of a fixed or portable generator near an occupied area.
I used to think that a with a solid fire-rated wall between a garage and the rest of the house, with proper attention to door seals and wall penetrations, you would be safe. Apparently not.
Hmm... Makes you feel a bit unsafe in condos etc...
What the article specifically said:
"The ability of CO to diffuse across gypsum wallboard may explain at least some instances of CO poisoning in contiguous residences," the authors write. "Exempting residences without internal CO sources from the legislation mandating CO alarms may put people in multifamily dwellings at risk for unintentional CO poisoning."
And here I thought you only needed to worry about intentional CO poisoning by your neighbor.
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