career help

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Here is a little personal info about myself. I'm currently in the military and I will be getting out with 8 years of service. I have an Associates Degree in Electromechanical Control Technology, a certificate in electrical wiring, ETA certified Fiber Optics Installer, ETA certified Fiber Optics Technician and my completed Electrical Apprenticeship Certificate. I have a couple questions for the experienced civilian electrician.

1. I plan on living in Texas and I want to get my Journeyman?s License for Texas. I am stationed in Virginia is there any way I can take the test at a Virginia test site? or will I have to fly out to Texas?
2. What do you think a realistic starting salary would be for me?
3. Are there any special skills or certificate employer's are looking for?
4. Does anyone know what the top electrical companies are in Texas, mainly Dallas/Fort Worth area?
5. What is the best electrical field for A) salary B) work environment C) nature of work?
do you like the cowboys? its a chance to work on the new stadium.JMEG is the company they pay well.i worked for them at samsung plant in austin. look them up on the internet.on your license .you need to contact international code counsel. in birmingham alabama.this test covers texas .i advise on a prep course .lots of load calcs and misworded questions .took the masters test 4 times to pass had to take a ray holder electrical seminars he's local.he's a honory old fart but he is good and worth every penny. good luck
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