Cedar brook commercial steam generator for a sauna

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Joseph mulherin

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blythe,ga 30805
I need some help guys I have never worked on one of these units before but have enough knowledge to get some info from you guys and run with it. Here's the problem, the part where your micro switches are that opens the mechanism that lets the water pass through to make steam, now I am trying to put something together with out much info I know. Looking at the generator it sits on the right side, it bolts to a flange and has a ball on the end that opens and closes as water I am guessing moves in, as temp or pressure builds, I have not done much reasearch I am guessing ,so bare with me, what has happened is steam or condensation has gotten in to the electrical unit that has your micro switches and terminal strips and is causing the unit to not work, I figure its a gasket and / or seal that is bad cause it is the older model. I don't have a model number its cedar brook / commercial and is red. I am trying to help someone that is getting over charged, and they don't know I am helping so all I had was a picture, is there anyone jam up out there on this

Mulherin Electrical Contractors
Go to that sight, get on the full sight, then go to commercial steam generators its a steamist hc -24 -70 I believe its the red one you can see the water level control and float chamber on the right side of unit

Mulherin Electrical Contractors
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