chandelier support

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most large chandeliers

most large chandeliers

are supported on large threaded rods. I usually use a deep octagon box and knock the center ko out. Run threaded rod from a structural member and leave enough to connect to in the box.
stickboy1375 said:
What kind of wight are we talking about? large means nothing to me...

Good point - "Large" to me is 100lbs - "Largest" I ever hung (with the help of several other guys) was ~575 lbs. It had a 7/8 bolt through stuctural framing into a 4s Deep to a special eye bolt coupling with a set-screw. Instructions said to use provided loc-tite compound to boot-pity the fool who gets to take that down.... The canopy was neat, it was two halfs you put together around the eye for the chain.
Rewire said:
we hung one that had aircraft cable attached to a drum and motor so it could be lowered for cleaning

Alladin makes those, and if you have to put a lot of stuff together, doing it at floor level would be much easier - especially if it is hard to get to.
ive hung chandeliers by sticking threaded rod through an octogon box up to a framing member too. iwas just wondering if they make a special device for this instead of making one
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