Change Surface Mounted Panel to Flush Mounted?

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I have an existing Siemens surface mounted panel that needs to be relocated. The architectural design is limiting where I can hide a surface mounted panel, so I was wondering if it could be changed into a flush mounted panel with minimal costs. From what I understand, it's the cover plate that differentiates a surface mounted panel from a flush mounted one. Are there kits available that can make this change? Thanks!
Are you doing the install? You may want to ask yourself why is it surface mount in the first place. Are there surface mounted conduits going to the panel? What's inside the wall? You may open the wall to install a flush mount panel to find conduits in the wall or better yet water lines. Pretty much any indoor residential sub panel can be mounted flush but its not just a matter of changing the trim.
Which as an electrician you already knew that though
If you are refering to a load center it is ot uncommon for then to be supplied with trim that can be used as surface of flush. Check the overhang of the trim. If it's flush with the box your are SOL and need to replace if. If it overhangs you've got it made.
This is done quite often where panel is mounted flush with the finished wall and the carpenter will just install corner beads around the panel.
If you are refering to a load center it is ot uncommon for then to be supplied with trim that can be used as surface of flush. Check the overhang of the trim. If it's flush with the box your are SOL and need to replace if. If it overhangs you've got it made.
Many higher-end loadcenters have replaceable trims. Just buy a flush one.
Many lower-end loadcenters have combination trims.
Thank you to everyone who responded to my post. After a day, I got so distracted by another job that I forgot to come back and check for responses. To answer some of the questions above, the closet and area where the surface mounted panel exists are being demolished and replaced with offices, so I need to relocate the panel and associated branch circuits. Due to limited space and aesthetic concerns, the panel will be flush mounted in one of the office walls. I called my rep at Siemens and he said all I would need is a new flush trim in order to alter the panel.
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