changes to the nec 2008 book

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Senior Member
i need to get up to date and i was going to buy the 2008 nec handbook and then i saw the book changes to the nec 2008.which is the right choice?thank you for your help.
If you need an overall new perspective on the NEC I would recommend the 2008 handbook. If you have some background knowledge of the 2005 NEC then you may only need to brush up on the changes. I would recommend Mike Holt's Illustrated Guide to Changes to the 2008 NEC. This is an excellent book with great illustrations and explanatory material. It contains a new feature called sticky notes which is an analysis of the reasons for the changes highlighted in yellow. At over 300 pages it's full of valuable information. And a good portion of the book was written by one of the moderators here on this forum, Ryan Jackson.
Just came back from a 4 hour code class for continueing education we recieved a neat little book from one of the instructors that had over 45 code changes refering specifically to wiring devices and communication systems. It's called " Leviton's Illustrated guide to the 2008 NEC Code Changes" It is pretty handy for keeping in the truck.
Books seldom go bad, more reading material is ALWAYS better, you won't damage your brain cells with a different perspective on the same subject, the three books look at the same items from different POV's. One explains it all one the changes. There is no right and wrong BUY BOTH.

NEC hand Book 130.00
NEC 75.00
NEC Changes 130.00
TOTAL 260.00/36 months=7.22 a month

Cost of a not knowing PRICELESS

It drives me bonkers that electricians hem and haw over a few dollars, the number of jobs I go on and ask to see the NEC and NO ONE HAS IT, is disturbing at best.
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