changing fuse box out

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Senior Member
hey guys ive got to change out a fuse box 100a to a ml breaker panel for a customer whos trying to sell his house. insurance company wants this change done. my concern is he has no bathroom plugs and nongrounded plugs throughout his house. if I touch the subpanel can I be forced by inspector to upgrade all of the house ie pulling romex with grounds customer really doesnt want to go that route thanks
Re: changing fuse box out

I work in one jurisdiction that would compell me to do so, but I think that is not normal. There's nothing (other than the local AHJ or local rules) that would seem to compell such work. I am a little puzzled that the insurance company would want the panel change but not bath recs installed. I generally get a pretty complete laundry list of work in old houses from insurance companies. The two-prongers can always stay if someone didn't swap in 3-prongers somewhere along the line.
Re: changing fuse box out

Call the AHJ and check with them.
Usually the insurance company requires a breaker panel because they are afraid that HO will install 25 & 30A fuses. Also a breaker panel is an indicator the wiring has been updated (yeah right! :roll: )
Re: changing fuse box out

Originally posted by tshea:
Call the AHJ and check with them.
Usually the insurance company requires a breaker panel because they are afraid that HO will install 25 & 30A fuses.
This seems sort of silly to me. It is not a whole lot harder to replace a 15A CB with a 30A CB. And anyone dumb enoguh to replace a fuse with a larger fuse is dumb enough to do it with a CB.
Re: changing fuse box out

Originally posted by tshea:
Call the AHJ and check with them.
Usually the insurance company requires a breaker panel because they are afraid that HO will install 25 & 30A fuses.
originally posted by petersonra:
This seems sort of silly to me. It is not a whole lot harder to replace a 15A CB with a 30A CB. And anyone dumb enoguh to replace a fuse with a larger fuse is dumb enough to do it with a CB.
Yeah maybe? HO runs up to grocery store to buy fuse. Has blown 15A in hand, sees 30A. Bigger is better! Buys 30A, screws into fuse box and lights work. Week later house burns down.
HO trips 15A breaker in panel.
1. Resets--OK done.
2. Doesn't reset. Maybe calls electrician, maybe calls 3rd cousin of next door neighbors wife's uncle who is a retired electrician that worked for 60 years changing light bulbs!

The point being, it's easier to change fuse than a breaker for HO.
Re: changing fuse box out

originally posted by charlie
Why not just use Type S inserts in the Edison base fuses?
I agree! The problem is in older homes the fustat adapters have not been installed. The insurance companies are pushing for the upgrades.

BTW I enjoy the service call where the HO has 'boogered' up the fustat. I pull out my trusty trico tool, remove the bad adapter, install new adapter, and get paid!
Re: changing fuse box out

Originally posted by tshea:
I pull out my trusty trico tool, remove the bad adapter, install new adapter, and get paid!
I remember those tools from years ago, but I never got one. I sure could have used one a time or two. Do you know if you can still get them? I did a quick net search and came up empty. I seem to remember they literally cored the metal off the adapter so that you could remove the little sliver that was left, and it left the original edison socket in tact. Is that the tool you're talking about?
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