Hi, I'm in So Cal and am curious as to how much is being charged for things such as adding an outlet to an existing circuit, adding a circuit with and without attic/basement access, I charge this based on time and material.. ($65 hour with helper and double material cost) I know double material sounds high but when you double $1.25??? so i charge a minimum of $5 on anything worth listing... ( no I don't list wire nuts) Is the troubleshooting hourly rate charged more than the service hourly rate , or am I better off to charge a flat service charge for each project and add material on top, are businesses charging travel time as a flat fee if out of 10 mile radius (which is nothing in So Cal) or so much per mile after a certain distance or no charge at all and decline the job if out of range ...Also prices being charged for materials..How much mark-up? I don't wan't to get to detailed on small items but I don't want to leave money on the table either.. like for a switch, recepticle. GFCI, j-box... As an example say I tapped into an existing outside wall fixture on a apt. complex and ran #12, 30ft down in 1/2 thinwall conduit to 5.25 round j-box and installed another fixture. How much for #12 wire, conduit, J-box...fixtures I do 1.7 as a standard when doing one or two fixtures and less when exchanging more than 10/20, I don't think this is gouging because of the time spent in quoteing, which is all done in excell with pictures of existing fixture or job, replacement, time and materiels, ordering, shipping charges etc... Thanks, Jerry