Charlies rule

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chris kennedy

Senior Member
Miami Fla.
60 yr old tool twisting electrician
Anyone got a quick link for this. I tried the extraordinary search engine here:roll: and still need help.

Attached is a copy of the sticker that Mike created, with my permission to use "Charlie's Rule."

I have a copy of Charlie's Rule taped to the front of my NEC. :)

Side story,

The last time was in my local inspector's office, I was glancing around the room while he signed my permit and guess what I saw on his bulletin board: a copy of Charlie's Rule!

We started talking and I found out he is part of the forum. Small world. I thought it was cool.
This was a strange thread, what's the point? :roll:


I do like the sticker though...

I posted it over at a site full of inspectors, a friendly reminder never hurts.:)

And I need to thank Charlie for the words of wisdom and the gift of sharing. I did post that with your copyright BTW.
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me too

me too

I have 'Charlies Rule" posted in my office and have shared it with several of my peers. We all have to deal with the labor agreement at time and it is all about language. I have written much of the language in the contact and 'Charlies Rule' is right on.

Thanks Charlie

I have the new one posted now.........Thanks Chris
Here is Dennis' rule--

It doesn't say what you think it says, nor what you remember it to have said, nor what you were told that it says, and certainly not what you want it to say. If by chance you are an instructor, it doesn't say what you have been saying, and if you?re an author, it doesn?t say what it?s intended to say.

It simply says what the AHJ determines it to say. :)
I want to hear the story behind the story! :)

Why, what, when, where, do you want to apply C.R.! :cool:

Nevermind, I see it a lot in the Sunday Comic's...
(more in respects to the what, where, why...)
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