chase nipple

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Given the fact that a chase nipple has straight threads you technically cannot use it with a threaded LB even with a locknut. Having said that it's done all of the time. Personally I would use a locknut on the smooth flanged side.

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Given the fact that a chase nipple has straight threads you technically cannot use it with a threaded LB even with a locknut. Having said that it's done all of the time.
I've done it.
Personally I would use a locknut on the smooth flanged side.
Didn't do that, just threaded the chase nipple right into the LB.

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I don't understand the 'on either side' part. Wouldn't you need at least one locknut?
On either side to tighten the connection. Chase nipple is technically required to be secured in the hole by a locknut, so it should be on the opposite side of the enclosure(s) wall(s) from the flange end.

That said, tapered thread hub is designed for a male threaded pipe or connector, which is mechanically tight before bottoming out. The straight thread of a chase nipple will tighten to the same torque value before reaching that depth... and depending on enclosure wall thickness, will usually not be sufficient to pull the flange tight to the enclosure or the hub. Further torquing of the chase nipple galls the threads. A locknut in the mix both takes up some thread length while also permitting the tightening of the assembly without galling the threads. The locknut should be on the LB side of the wall for a compliant install of the chase nipple, but when all is done, adding the LB makes the whole assembly a technical violation. Best to use a close nipple to be completely compliant.
The straight vs. tapered argument aside if you put a locknut on the flanged side the connection become functionally equivalent to an EMT connector with one locknut.
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