Check this out!Amazing!

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Re: Check this out!Amazing!

It's also nonsense. It is a perpetual motion machine: A generator that takes 540mW to run and yet generates a 1.755W output would be able to power itself several times over and in theory could run forever. It may be a very efficient motor (hence the reported sales), but there is definitely something wrong with those numbers.

Re: Check this out!Amazing!

Maybe this inventor has figured out how the earth rotates one revolution ever 24 hours, with no apparent power applied. :confused:
Re: Check this out!Amazing!

They have obviously eliminated that little problem of friction that kills most perpetual motion machines. Eliminated, hell they have harnessed and are riding that sucker and must be going to the whip.
Re: Check this out!Amazing!

Actually, the entire article is fiction. Its only purpose is to sell the ?I Love Japan? T-shirts.
Re: Check this out!Amazing!

leave the idea of perpetual motion out of the picture. But a motor that uses 80% less energy is something different, that is possible, the problem is what will it cost? And what do they use will it be a rare source of material? I personally do not have the foresight of it. And think of it this way 100 years ago the same comments were said about Henry Ford and his production line. And at that time I am sure they were saying the same thing about an incandescent light how could it replace the gas light?
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