Childcare facility and tamper resistant receptacles issue


Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have child care facility that has library and kitchen. I am being told library is assembly occupancy and therefore it is not according to childcare facility definition NEC 2017 Article 406.2 and kitchen also does not fit definition of NEC 2017 Article 406.2 therefore both places do not require tamper resistant receptacles.

Would the above argument be correct or incorrect?
I have child care facility that has library and kitchen. I am being told library is assembly occupancy and therefore it is not according to childcare facility definition NEC 2017 Article 406.2 and kitchen also does not fit definition of NEC 2017 Article 406.2 therefore both places do not require tamper resistant receptacles.

Would the above argument be correct or incorrect?

Child Care Facility. A building or structure, or portion thereof, for educational, supervisory, or personal care services for more than four children 7 years old or less.

I can see how the kitchen does not apply as a child care facility, even if it is feeding kids.
I could argue a library does if it is part of the day care service and the daycare has 7 year old or younger kids.

I see no reason why a place of assembly can't also be a child care facility. But that area needs to hold at least 100 people.
Child Care Facility. A building or structure, or portion thereof, for educational, supervisory, or personal care services for more than four children 7 years old or less.

I can see how the kitchen does not apply as a child care facility, even if it is feeding kids.
I could argue a library does if it is part of the day care service and the daycare has 7 year old or younger kids.

I see no reason why a place of assembly can't also be a child care facility. But that area needs to hold at least 100 people.

What about library where there is reading room where parents put 4 or more kids under 7 in the room and leave for 1-2 hours and library staff reads them stories , activities etc? Would that be considered child care facility or not?
I would think so, but much in the NEC is judgement calls or subtle distinctions. Plan approvers and inspectors need to be on the same page with local interpretations.