Chimney fans and motorized dampers

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Hello we are installing motorized dampers and chimney fans on a residential house. They are giving us a separate chase in the chimney to run our pipes in. We'll have a control box below, possibly in the basement and was wondering if this had to be in any special type of conduit. Thank you.
Hello we are installing motorized dampers and chimney fans on a residential house. They are giving us a separate chase in the chimney to run our pipes in. We'll have a control box below, possibly in the basement and was wondering if this had to be in any special type of conduit. Thank you.

Tell us more about this chase and the chimney please.

Is this to vent a fossil fueled appliance? Is it a wood burning fireplace? What is the chimney made from?
It's cinder block. It's not being filled. So its completely cinder blocked around the chimney duct, and then another cinder block square chase for the electric.(then brick around the 2 square chases) Mostly gas fireplaces. Which get a motorized damper and a chimney fan. One is wood which just gets a chimney fan. Does it have to be any special type of pipe and wire? I contacted the manufacturer and they said my connections wouldn't experience heat. I couldn't find anything in the code for this application. Thank you for your time.
Can you post links to spec sheets for the products you're installing?
Or give us manufacturer name & model number?

Two concerns:
1. A gas fireplace is limited to the BTU rating of the appliance while a wood burning fireplace is subject to whatever someone jams in there.
2. Interlocks seem necessary if you have motorized dampers on fossil fuel burning appliances.

Are these dampers & fans listed & labeled?
That's the chimney fan
That's the motorized damper for the gas fireplaces

I was told everything has to be in emt or fmc including low voltage. I couldn't find it in the NEC (where in 2011 still) I didn't know if it was a local code with our AHJ/fire marshall.

Their installation manual, which is part of the listing, states "...All wiring must be inflexible or rigid metal conduit..." so you need to follow that. Your question was what conduit was required and that answers your question.

It does not make reference to specific temperature rating of the wire other than the statement "...
Notice: If any of the original wire supplied with the system must be replaced, use similar wire of the same temperature rating. Otherwise, insulation may melt or degrade, exposing bare wire. .."

For future reference, there is one "L" in Fire Marshal.

I see it does have reference to interconnects being required also.

You're welcome. That's what this forum is for.

The interconnects are to prevent production of CO when the exhaust system is not running. That's on the mechanical guys assuming you are the EC (running branch circuit & control wiring) on the job and not getting involved in fuel gas appliances.
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