Chinese junk?

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Senior Member
Anybody see the opening ceremony of the olympics last night?

Pretty darned impressive.

They don't seem to have any problem using chinese manufactured stuff.

Maybe there's some other reason the Chinese manufactured stuff we get often doesn't seem as high quality.

Maybe the American businessman in between?:-?

peter d

Senior Member
New England
realolman said:
Maybe there's some other reason the Chinese manufactured stuff we get often doesn't seem as high quality.

Maybe the American businessman in between?:-?

Yup, it's all about price.

brian john

Senior Member
Leesburg, VA
Hey Walmart ain't making all that money because we want top quality stuff or care for the local stores downtown.

Does anyone remember when Walmart had the buy American program smiley face was Stars and Stripes. Find something American in there now.


But, how many Americans want a factory job on an assembly line?

OSHA has repetitive injury guide lines, think the Chinese do?

Cheap products mean ignoring air and water quality, ask the Chinese or Olympic athletes.

Most likely little benefits and/or vacations.

All this drive cost up.
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