Chinese national sentenced to prison

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Chinese national sentenced to prison for dealing in counterfeit merchandise

U.S. Attorney Michael Shelby announced on Feb. 16, 2005, that Zheng Xiao Yi, a citizen of the Peoples Republic of
China who owned and operated an import and wholesale business in the Harwin Drive area of Houston, has been
sentenced to more than five years in federal prison for trafficking in counterfeit goods.
At a hearing held Feb. 14, 2005, Yi was sentenced to serve a total of 63 months in federal prison for trafficking in
counterfeit merchandise illegally imported from China. Zheng also faces deportation upon his release from prison.
Zheng, the owner of XYZ Trading Corp., located at 7018 Harwin Drive, Houston, Texas, was convicted in July 2004
following a jury trial of six counts of trafficking and attempting to traffic in merchandise imported from China carrying
counterfeit trademarks. The counterfeit trademarks were identical with or substantially indistinguishable from genuine
trademarks registered to Underwriters Laboratories Inc., The Gillette Company, Marvel Enterprises, Inc. and Nike,
Inc., including extension cords and power-strips, Duracell batteries and flashlights, Spider-Man figures, and Nike
The jury?s verdicts were returned following a four-day trial during which the United States proved that Zheng trafficked
in counterfeit goods imported from China between August 2003 and November 2003.
Testimony during the trial established that a load of Zheng?s merchandise was seized in August 2003 after inspectors
noticed that the contents of a container shipped from China to XYZ Trading Corp. did not match the packing list.
Thereafter, the U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement initiated an investigation that resulted in the
seizure of a second container and the execution of a search warrant on Nov. 7, 2003, at Zheng?s place of business.
The jury found Zheng had imported over $300,000 worth of counterfeit goods, including electrical extension and power
cords that bore counterfeit UL certification Marks, counterfeit Duracell batteries, Spider-man toys, and Nike sandals. In
addition to convicting Zheng, the jury also found Zheng had substantially harmed the reputations of UL, Gillette, Marvel
and Nike by trafficking in counterfeit versions of their trademarked products.
Additionally, after testimony established that the electrical cords seized from Zheng failed to pass the Underwriters
Laboratories Inc. tests required to earn UL certification and videotape clips showing the counterfeit cords sold by Zheng
bursting into flames when tested under household conditions, the jury found that by selling counterfeit UL extension
cords, Zheng had consciously and recklessly ignored the risk of serious bodily injury to the public.
The jury also heard evidence that Zheng attempted to bribe his way to freedom after being placed in custody.
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