Christmas Tree Lots

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Its that time of year again and I'm seeing lots of tree lots going up. I want to confirm article 590 is the primary source for code requirements here. I understand that chapters 1-4 apply unless another article says different.

If 590 is the governing resource, should the luminaires over these lots be provided with cages 590.4 (F)?

What about 590.2 (B) (2)?? I can't see that one making it very far before I get a call from the City Manager!

I'm working on a handout for these businesses to use for next year so that we can get them doing things "closer" to the right way the first time.

Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ah festoon lighting, I think the cages over the lamps is only needed if they are below a hight that they may get hit.
Ah festoon lighting, I think the cages over the lamps is only needed if they are below a hight that they may get hit.

I can not find any height limit that relaxes 590.4(F)

(F) Lamp Protection. All lamps for general illumination
shall be protected from accidental contact or breakage by a
suitable luminaire or lampholder with a guard.
Is this "temporary" power equipment plugged into an existing receptacle outlet(s)?

If so, does the AHJ require a permit to install the temporary lighting, or fire / public safety agency have any requirements for this type of thing refering to NEC or other standards? Otherwise what is to keep them from plugging in anything they want to, safe or not.

A lot of places have seasonal displays and everything that is powered within the display area is plugged into permanent receptacle outlets and is reconfigured frequently, maybe even more than one time a day.
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