Church Wiring

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Good Morning all!! Does NEC Consider a chuch a "commercial" application?
I have always been told that solid copper wire is a no-no in industrial and commercial applications. I haven't found any proof of it yet though, and we all know what word-of-mouth is...
The reason I am asking is, the new church I am attending is building a new sanctuary. The building was made "originaly" to be a gym. the "original" wire (about 5 years old) is ALL stranded, the guy doing all the mods to install the P.A. is using ALL solid copper... I am not even sure that he is using the right gauge wire in some of the circuits, as I haven't had the time this week to look into it. :roll:
Thanks for the help!!


Senior Member
Re: Church Wiring

Welcome to the forum!

As usual Bob is correct. Generally the type of wire used is personal preference.
Also look at art. 518. In all likelyhood your church will fall under the "Assembly" occupancy.
That is if it holds over 100 persons.



Re: Church Wiring

<<Smile>> Gee thanks guys!
I can't remember for the life of me where in the world I picked that up, but oh well!!
You guys have alot of informative conversations going on here. I am sure I will learn quite a bit from just browsing thru and weeding out...
Thanks! - :D



Re: Church Wiring

As per 2003 IBC Churches are A-3 assembly buildings which inturn would be commercial.
Section 303 IBC. Religious educational rooms and religious auditoriums which are accessory to churches in accordance w/ section 302.2 and which have an occupant load of less than 100 shall be be classified as A-3

[ September 28, 2005, 12:47 PM: Message edited by: be4jc ]
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