CII, Div 1, GRP. G & CI, Div 2, GRP. C & D Terminal Junction Boxes.

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I have an application that has both hazard locations (CII, Div 1, GRP. G & CI, Div 2, GRP. C & D) at the same time. This is for an industrial piece of machinery with a remotely mounted operator station. Can I use a standard Type 4 junction box on the machine that contains only terminals for the instruments with Type rated fittings and then have my operator station be rated Type 7/9 that houses the motor control, disconnect and pushbuttons? Or does the junction box on the machine also need to be rated Type 7/9 even though it only has terminals?
As you have described it, the Class I, Division 2 junction box installation is suitable. The Class II installation may be more problematic. While the junction box is not required to be dust ignitionproof (Type 9), it does have more stringent requirements than a typical Type 4 provides. See Section 502.10(A)(3).
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