Circuit Breaker - Branch-Circuit Overcurrent Device - What is the difference?

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Both are Devices.

Not all OCPD are Circuit Breakers.

Not all Circuit Breakers are OCPD.
Pierre, it seems this definition for Branch-Circuit Overcurrent Device was added in the 2008 Code because the term was used in the definition of Supplementary Overcurrent Protective Device in previous years.

Notice the 5000 Amp fault current interrupting rating qualifier.
In my opinion!!!

In my opinion!!!

A one time fuse in the branch circuit is an overcurrent device but this is not a "circuit breaker".
Also the main circuit breaker in the panel is not the Branch circuit overcurrent device only the breakers in that panel are Branch-circuit overcurrent devices if suppling the branch circuit loads.
The new definition in Art 100. What is the real difference between the two definitions?

I think it is one definition split into 3 parts.Upper portion states what it does
and range (Rc and IR).The lower part specifies minimum AIC rating.

Do they even make anything smaller than 5 K?
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