The following information is required to be shown on plans, specifications and diagrams submitted for review by the Department:
(Amended by Ord. No. 176,775, Eff. 8/1/05, Oper. 8/1/05.)
(a) A complete plan showing the layout of the proposed electric systems for each floor or area, including dimensions of all working spaces, a full scope of the project and a legend of all symbols used.
(Amended by Ord. No. 172,593, Eff. 6/28/99, Oper. 7/1/99.)
(b) The type, location and capacity of all service equipment.
(c) The size and the length of all service raceways to the manhole, vault or pole of the serving agency or to the service head.
(d) The size of all raceways and the length of all feeder raceways.
(e) The dimensions of all pull or junction boxes larger than four inches trade size.
(f) The number, size, and type of all conductors to be installed in wiring enclosures.
(g) The location of every proposed outlet and switch in all parts of the building or structure including all fixed showcases, wall cases, and similar wiring.
(h) The wattage or ampere ratings of each outlet for noninductive loads and the volt-ampere rating of each unit or transformer for electric discharge lighting.
(i) The location, voltage, and H.P. rating of every motor and the K.W. rating of every generator. The type and code letter of every A.C. motor shall be given unless otherwise satisfactory to the Department.
(j) The location and K.V.A., or equivalent rating of each transformer, capacitor, ballast, converter, frequency changer, and similar equipment and the location and ampere or wattage rating of other appliances of the noninductive type.
(k) Details of panelboard, switchboard, and distribution centers, showing type and arrangement of switches, overcurrent devices, and general control equipment.
(l) Panelboard and switchboard schedules showing wattage and amperage, the number of active branch circuits to be installed, and the number of spare branch circuits for future use. This shall include identifying the circuits to which the outlets are connected.
(m) The existing load, as calculated in accordance with Articles 210 and 220 of the C.E.C. or by other methods satisfactory to the Department, shall be indicated for existing installations having alterations or additions made to them.
(Amended by Ord. No. 172,593, Eff. 6/28/99, Oper. 7/1/99.)

Other additional information as the Department may consider necessary for proper enforcement of this Code.
(o) On all occupancies indicating location, rating and method being served for all new and existing power distribution equipment.
(Added by Ord. No. 172,593, Eff. 6/28/99, Oper. 7/1/99.)
(p) Any or all engineering calculations as applicable for the installation.
(Added by Ord. No. 176,775, Eff. 8/1/05, Oper. 8/1/05.)
(q) Interconnected wiring between all devices in each branch circuit from any panelboard or switch-board to the last device or load.
(Added by Ord. No. 176,775, Eff. 8/1/05, Oper. 8/1/05.)