class 1 circuits

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Senior Member
chicago, il, USA
Can a class 1 circuit be installed in free air? It would be 18-2 with 300 volt insulation, the voltage would be 120 volts and the current would be less than 6 amps. I was looking through art. 725 and I couldn't find anything that directly prohibits it. One of the installers that I work with believes you can but I have my doubts though I cannot directly dispute it. Thanks for any help that anyone can provide.

Can a class 1 circuit be installed in free air? It would be 18-2 with 300 volt insulation, the voltage would be 120 volts and the current would be less than 6 amps. I was looking through art. 725 and I couldn't find anything that directly prohibits it. One of the installers that I work with believes you can but I have my doubts though I cannot directly dispute it. Thanks for any help that anyone can provide.

When you say "free air" are you talking about aerial runs/limited support methods or do you just mean not in a chapter 3 wiring method (basically not in a raceway or cable)?
what I mean by free air is in a suspended ceiling running through bridal rings. This would be a non plenum ceiling but it would be plenum rated cable
What kind of cable? Can not be a CL2 or CL3 cable, can be AC, MC, NM, UF.. unless otherwise not permitted by applicable sections 3xx.12. Securing and support per applicable sections for the cable used.
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