Article 725.30 seems to require some sort of labeling to distinguish Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 circuits from other circuits. The stated reason is to prevent "unintentional interference" with other circuits during testing and servicing.
Can someone with more experience in this area interpret the meaning of this article?
What does "unintentional interference" mean?
What kind of identification methods are acceptable?
Do individual conductors need to be labeled?
If all conductors have unique wire number labels and the numbers are identified on a schematic drawing, is that acceptable?
If groups of terminals are physically separated in panel but otherwise unmarked, is that acceptable.
Can someone with more experience in this area interpret the meaning of this article?
What does "unintentional interference" mean?
What kind of identification methods are acceptable?
Do individual conductors need to be labeled?
If all conductors have unique wire number labels and the numbers are identified on a schematic drawing, is that acceptable?
If groups of terminals are physically separated in panel but otherwise unmarked, is that acceptable.