Class 1 Div 1 and Class 1 Div 2

Merry Christmas
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Senior Member
Class 1 Div 1 requires EP seals and Class 1 Div 2 or zone 2 or D doesnt require EP seals only that it be sealed correct? The seal doesnt need tobe EP. This would be for fuel dispensers 514.


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retired electrician
There conditions where the boundary seal from a Class I, Division 2 location are not required to be standard explosionproof seals, but the code gives little guidance on what type of seal can be used, so many inspection authorities will require an explosionproof seal.

Seals at equipment that requires seals must always be explosionproof seals, even Division 2.


Senior Member
There conditions where the boundary seal from a Class I, Division 2 location are not required to be standard explosionproof seals, but the code gives little guidance on what type of seal can be used, so many inspection authorities will require an explosionproof seal.

Seals at equipment that requires seals must always be explosionproof seals, even Division 2.

I believe the area around a dispenser is considered class 1 div 2. Art 501.15 B 2 ..... such seals shall not be required to be explosion proof but shall be identified for the purpose of minimizing the passage of gas. Would this mean that it needs to be a seal off but doesnt need to be EP.


Senior Member
I believe the area around a dispenser is considered class 1 div 2. Art 501.15 B 2 ..... such seals shall not be required to be explosion proof but shall be identified for the purpose of minimizing the passage of gas. Would this mean that it needs to be a seal off but doesnt need to be EP.
This is very interesting to me. What conduits/circuits would you be considering applying this to?

Also, what product would you want to consider that is "identified for the purpose of minimizing the passage of gas"?

I have successfully argued that duct seal is identified for this purpose, but have had others say not really (using it in intrinsically safe circuits, article 504). For those circuits (tank monitor stuff) I would put an EP seal and using EP sealing compound at the building but just duct seal in the conduit j-box at the sensor/probe location.


Staff member
retired electrician
I believe the area around a dispenser is considered class 1 div 2. Art 501.15 B 2 ..... such seals shall not be required to be explosion proof but shall be identified for the purpose of minimizing the passage of gas. Would this mean that it needs to be a seal off but doesnt need to be EP.
A far as I know there is only one product on the market that is actually so identified. That being Polywater's FST product.

That being said, there is no consensus on what this section actually permits, and you need to touch bases with YOUR AHJ. Many do not accept an installation under this rule because of the lack of an "identified system" for this purpose. For example what type of fitting do you install the Polywater product in to minimize the passage of a standard seal fitting, in a standard conduit body, or just in the end of the raceway?
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