Class 1 Div 2 classification outside room

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New User
Fargo, ND
Project Manager
Is there a classified boundary outside a cl 1 div 2 room , the area out the door? I have a receptacle and A/V in hall that are currently scoped to be unclassified
Is there a classified boundary outside a cl 1 div 2 room , the area out the door? I have a receptacle and A/V in hall that are currently scoped to be unclassified
It’s likely. It depends if there is a pressure differential between the classified room and the hall. Typically, if both locations are roughly at the same pressure, a 3’ to 5’ radius Division 2 envelope will surround the door in the hallway. Other factors can also affect the analysis, such as the pressure, flow-rate, volume, and relative location with respect to the door of the potential leakage source. Another consideration it whether the hall door is typically closed except during entry.
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