Class 1 Div 2


336.130 states that Hazardous (Classified) Location Cable listed and marked Type TC-ER-HL. Does sections 501 and 502 over rule this note for a Class 1 Div 2 area?
336.130 states that Hazardous (Classified) Location Cable listed and marked Type TC-ER-HL. Does sections 501 and 502 over rule this note for a Class 1 Div 2 area?
The rules in 501 and 502 modify the rules in Chapters 1 through 4.
Modify meaning the cable in a Class1 Div 2 area doesn't have to follow 336.130?
Meaning they rule in 501, if different from the one in 336 governs.
Also there are no installation requirements in 336.130. Those are construction specifications, not a requirement to use that cable.
The requirement in 336 is a permission found in 336.10(11) is the rule.
(11) In hazardous (classified) locations where specifically permitted by other articles in this Code.
Meaning they rule in 501, if different from the one in 336 governs.
Also there are no installation requirements in 336.130. Those are construction specifications, not a requirement to use that cable.
The requirement in 336 is a permission found in 336.10(11) is the rule.
This is a construction site and and it says in black and white that it will be marked Type TC-ER-HL ...336.130!!!
This is a construction site and and it says in black and white that it will be marked Type TC-ER-HL ...336.130!!!
Nothing to do with a construction site. The rules in 336.130 have to do with the marking and construction of the TC cable itself and nothing to do with where the cable is physically installed. Those rules for Class I locations are found in 501.10(A) for Division 1 locations and in 501.10(B) for Division 2 locations. The rules for a Division 1 location are not the same as for a Division 2 location.

501.10(A) Class I, Division 1 ...
(7) In restricted industrial establishments for applications limited to 600 volts nominal or less, and where the cable is not subject to physical damage and is terminated with fittings listed for the location, Type TC-ER-HL cable. If installed in a ladder, ventilated trough, or ventilated channel cable tray, the cable shall be installed in accordance with392.22. Type TC-ER-HL cable shall be listed for use in Class I, Division 1 or Zone 1 locations and shall be installed in accordance with 336.10.

501.10(B) Class I, Division 2 ...
(5) Type MC, Type MV, Type TC, or Type TC-ER cable, including installation in cable tray systems. Type TC-ER cable shall include an equipment grounding conductor in addition to a drain wire that might be present. All cable types shall be terminated with listed fittings.
You asked about a Class I, Division 2 location and Type TC-ER-HL is not required for a Division 2 location.
You only need a cable constructed to the requirements of 336.130 if your installation is in a Division 1 location.