Class 1, div. II Bottom

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1st post here so please be kind.
I am getting ready to start a Aircraft Hangar and have a question about conduits passing under a Class 1 Div. II location.

The electrical room is located outside the hazardous location on one side of the hangar, and the offices are located on the other side of the hangar.
If the Home run conduits run from the panel to the offices under the classified
location 24" below finished floor, are sealing fittings still required at each end of the conduit run?
Is there a bottom to the Class 1, div II area where it becomes unclassified?

Thanks in advance for your help.
If the Home run conduits run from the panel to the offices under the classified
location 24" below finished floor, are sealing fittings still required at each end of the conduit run?
Is there a bottom to the Class 1, div II area where it becomes unclassified?

Thanks in advance for your help.
One reason, I like Arts 511-516 is they give clear instructions on classifying locations within their scope. One reason I hate them is they each have some wacky wiring requirements and Article 513 is no exception.

Automatically treating the underground as Division 1, creates some difficult issues. In any case, 513.8 says ya gotta seal both ends.

For the purposes of Article 513, the bottom is somewhere in Sichuan Provence, China.
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