Class 1 Division 1 alternator?

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New member
Hello everyone, I've been reading through this forum off and on for about a year now and have found it very useful. I am currently working on a Division 1 project and am in need of a certified Div. 1 alternator. I checked with US Energy and they do indeed make one however it is not certified by any national testing lab (FM, Intertek, UL, etc). They take an ex-proof motor enclosure made by another electrical company, take out the guts and replace it with their windings and all (preserving the flame paths and internal volume), and close it back up and label it for Class 1 use. I don't think this will work too well with the testing agency I am working with on our prototype but I have not heard back from them yet...maybe they will surprise me :)

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else knows another manufacturer that makes a Div. 1 alt I could check in to. Chalwyn's products seem to all be ATEX rated and I am awaiting a reply from C.E. Niehoff regarding their alternators (I know they make Div. 2). I have dug around a bit on Google but haven't had much luck so I figured why not try here? :D

Thanks in advance!
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