Class Action Law Suit CSST-lightning damage

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tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
Staff member
Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
I'll try this again:
There is a class action law suit for corrigated stainless steel tubing, due to the fact it can be damaged in a lightning strike to the building. The settlement is either payment towards a lighting protection system or for grounding/bonding of systems. More info is at, but the info won't be available at the website until 10/23
The Proposed Settlement Agreement provides the means for a Settlement Class Member to defray the cost of purchasing a Lightning Protection System or Bonding and Grounding.
Settlement Class Members may use Payment Vouchers to defray the cost of having the Third-Party Vendor install a Lightning Protection System or complete the Bonding and Grounding of certain systems in the structure. This Third-Party Vendor is not affiliated with the Settling Parties and was selected by Plaintiffs’ Counsel after a nationwide search. In addition, no party has a financial incentive for Settlement Class Members to use the Third-Party Vendor.
The amount of the Payment Voucher will vary depending on the lightning density (in flashes/square kilometer/year) in the county in which the structure is located and, in the case of a Lightning Protection System, the size of the structure.
The amount of the Payment Voucher is based on data regarding the relative risk of a lightning strike in the county in which the structure is located, as well as the size of the structure in which CSST was installed, as set forth in the Payment Voucher Schedule.
To determine what zone the property is located in, visit the Find Your Lightning Density Zone page.

I had a question about the Payment Vouchers. What type of lightning protection is required (capacitor?) and is a simple bounding jumper from the gas pipe to the appliance sufficient?

Sounds like more work for us! :D :smile:
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