Class I, Div 2 Junction Boxes

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Project Manager
How do I get Class I, Div 2 junction boxes certified? A customer is asking me to get my non-arcing JBs containing only terminal strips certified. From speaking with JB suppliers, I am hearing this only occurs through the LAHJ and not through a UL or CSA. Is this correct?
How do I get Class I, Div 2 junction boxes certified? A customer is asking me to get my non-arcing JBs containing only terminal strips certified. From speaking with JB suppliers, I am hearing this only occurs through the LAHJ and not through a UL or CSA. Is this correct?
Class 1 div2 location junction boxes only need be listed for the environment they are located in, as long as it only contains splices and not anything with arcing switches. Not sure how or why they want it “certified”.
To back up Dsg319, see Section 500.8(C)(6)(a).

The most general "identifications" for UL and/or CSA equipment are "ordinary locations" (the "man-on-the-street" would typically call them "general purpose" or, possibly in some cases, "outdoor") and "hazardous locations."

Except for luminaires, if ordinary location equipment is otherwise acceptable in Division 2, it does not require any special marking beyond its "ordinary location" identification.

Very few local AHJs that know what they are doing would require ordinary junction boxes to be explicitly certified for Class I, Division 2. They might want to take a close look at what's inside, though.
Class 1 div2 location junction boxes only need be listed for the environment they are located in, as long as it only contains splices and not anything with arcing switches. Not sure how or why they want it “certified”.
Is there any Code or other document that clearly states? Our customer is based overseas and constructing this project in the US and I think they may be having difficulties with the translation of these requirements.
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