Class II Div 2 Receptacles

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Richard S

Per 502.145, Receptacles and Attachment Plugs shall be identified for the location. To me, that would mean that they would need to be listed for use in a Class II Div 2 location [or otherwise identified as suitable per 500.8(A)]. Although dusttight enclosures are allowed for some equipment in Class II Div 2 applications, receptacles and attachment plugs need to be specfiically identified for the location. Receptacles in dusttight enclosures are not acceptable unless specifically identified for use in Class II Div 2 environment.
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Yes, I would like to confirm that in Class II Div 2 areas, Receptacles and Attachment Plugs shall be identified for the location. That that they would need to be listed for use in a Class II Div 2 location [or otherwise identified as suitable per 500.8(A)]. That Receptacles in dusttight enclosures are not acceptable unless specifically identified for use in Class II Div 2 environment.
I've received conflicting options with regards to the installation of receptacles in Class II Div 2 applications.
Fundamentally - YES. Section 500.8(A) offers three options to determine Suitability. 500.8(A)(1) is, in fact, listing or labeling. 500.8(A)(2) or (3) really only apply if (A)(1) is unavailable. This essentially parallels FedOSHA's definition of Acceptable in 29 CFR 1910.399; that is, if such a listed product exists, it must be used in preference to the other options. Such a listed product, does exist, so it must be used.
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