Classified roof feeds


Senior Member
Here is a scenario. Warehouse with half being a classified area. We will say class-1 div-1. On the roof there are 3 exhaust fans and 3 RTU's.

Do the exhaust fans require to be classified equipment?
Do the RTU's require to be classified?
Can the feeds for both be ran through the roof at the unclassified area, ran across the roof above the classified are to feed these units and treated as unclassified raceways and wiring?
Do the exhaust fans (or RTU) require classified equipment?
A roof exhaust fan bursting into flames may certainly ignite combustible gas inside the building, even if the environment outside the building is not a classified area.

Our resident expert on classified areas must be summoned, by clicking start conversation with rbalex, and including a link when requesting his expertise.
It is very unlikely that you would have warehouse with a Class I, Division 1 classification.

What do the classification documents required by 500.4 say? Without those documents, you really have no idea of how to install the electrical system.

If you really have an interior classified area, and the fans are exhausting from that area, the interior of the fan and likely a 3' or 5' bubble around the fan discharge will be the same classification as the interior of the building.