Clearance in front of trough?

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Homeworth, OH
I have a question. We are having a debate about the required clearance in front of a wire trough. We are working in a very tight room, wall to wall 52 1/2 inches wide. We installed an 8 inch trough on the wall. Now the plumber wants to put some equipment in front of the trough that will take up aprox 18 inches of space. That only leaves 26 1/2 inches of clearance. We can't seem to find any specific code article that would require clearance. Can anybody help out??:-? The plumber says it's going in no matter what we say. If we could find an a code section then maybe we could disuade him.
Is his pipe on the print ? It is not equipment so 110.26 does not apply. If it blocks your ability to service it then time to talk to the GC . Take pictures before the pipe goes in. If inspector has issues then the plumber might be moving. Start a paper trail now if you think it is a problem.
The print shows the pipe but the architect screwed up the print and did not allow enough room for all our equipment. We are wireing a new gas station so I have 20 one inch rigid conduits with seal offs coming into a 4 foot trough, three panels, the phone and security systems, fuel system controls, lighting controls, fuel data controls, and a water meter that is going to take up a 16 x 32 inch area in a room that is 52 1/2 x 120 inches. It's like pouring a gallon into a quart jar. We have it arranged so that we can get in the trough and work without to much trouble. We were just a little unsure of how to classify a wire trough. We always error on the side of caution but there's no wiggle room here. Thanks for all your help.
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