clearance in front of vertical bus duct

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malachi constant

Senior Member
Can I locate a transformer in front of this vertical bus duct? I would maintain the necessary clearances to allow access to the disconnects on the left and right. However there are bolts noted "tighted bolts to 60 ft-lbs torque" - I would like to put the transformer in front of that, leaving about a foot clear to allow future loosening/tightening. I assume there is not an issue here but am looking for a second opinion before we send out to bid. Thanks!


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The people who come after you and have to work on the contents of the duct will bless your name.... What's the to right of the duct, where those boxes are leaning against the wall?
Hope you get your ducts in a row! (;
The people who come after you and have to work on the contents of the duct will bless your name.... What's the to right of the duct, where those boxes are leaning against the wall?
Hope you get your ducts in a row! (;
There are panels on each side. Basically the options are to...
1) Locate the transformer in the center of the room, lined up in front of the bus duct, somewhat covering up the bolts but leaving a foot. I prefer this if it is legal.
2) Locate the transformer in the center of the room, but kittycorner to the bus duct - basically a floating transformer that maintains all clearances in all four directions...but is smack in the middle of the room not lined up with anything. Would make the room slightly less navigable than would option 1.
3) Wall-mount the transformer up high above another transformer. I prefer this but the Owner is opposed to it because their standards don't allow it. It's a good sized room and well ventilated - I would think a transformer mounted high would be fine in these conditions. But so far this is not on the table as an allowable option.

Why would a future electrican be upset about Option #1? Is there greater maintenance or other effort required that this transformer location would significantly impede upon? I would think access to bolts is all that is needed, and a foot should give them plenty of space to insert a socket wrench. Is a special tool required to obtain the correct torque? How much space would that need? Would re-torquing ever be required now that the duct has been installed?
There is nothing in Article 368 that would prohibit the transformer in front of the busduct.
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