Closed transition transfer switch

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Senior Member
What is the major advantages / disadvantages between closed transition ATS and open ATS? Cost budget difference?

If we use the UPS, sounds like we don't need closed transition type? Some utility power companies may have problem to parallel their power source with generators if we want to use closed transition ATS.

Closed transition is more costly, but when transfering back from generator to utility could be closed transition, then no "bumps" to the batteries.
The battery lifetime is related to the number of hits it takes.
Withstand Rating

Withstand Rating

Also watch the withstand ratings of closed transition bypass switches are normall lower with an "any breaker rating" depending what manufacturer also be careful of an installation directly fed from a switchgear installation if the instantenous is diabled you may to look at the 30sec rating if there is no instantenous on the feeder also they are tested with and x/r of 4.9 where if they are protected by a LVPCB they are tested with an x/r of I believe 6.5 or it might be the other way around without having the info. infront of me I cannot exactly remember. Or you could just protect with a fuse then you typically do not have a problem.
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