Closet fixture inc led flour down and dirty ??

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Senior Member
Friends house has a busted bare bulb pullchain closet fixture.

Was just going to just replace it with a 3 dollar pullchain but now getting cold feet as this fixtures been there for decades but things happen.

Clearance is not observed, but if it was let me ask

An enclosed surface mount. An incandescent is permitted. If a led or cfl is installed in that fixture is that acceptable ?

I see that led and fluorescents surface mount need to be identified as being able to be used in closet.

Would that be for a led or fluorescent fixture and not a led or flourescent bulb placed in a Edison socket

Thank you
Picked up a surface enclosed fixture that has a rating for use with a cfl too so figure I'll put it in.


On a new home I installed outlet boxes for led fixtures in the closet.

Some led fixture styles I was planning on using say nothing about closets.

Can they NOT be used?

One style says suggestions for use. Bed rooms hallways closets etc.
Is that considered rated with the word suggestions and closet??

I do see a florescent that makes a point of saying "closet light "

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