Closing old threads

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Senior Member
I was searching for some old threads yesterday, and noticed all of them were closed.

Has it become a standard practice to close all the older threads??

I'm not trying to stir anything, but I was just wondering. Sometimes it seems like it would be cleaner to add a reply to an older thread instead of making a new one.

Yes. Archeology is something better left to Indiana Jones. :)

It started because people were responding to threads with Bennie in them, which didn't sit right - but additionally, it's also confusing to have a conversation pulled up from three years ago, with people who are still present involved in the old discussion.

Plus, most of the time, the post that resurrects the old thread wasn't worth the confusion, to be blunt. Nine times out of ten it the new post is a simple, "I agree" or something along those lines. Not exactly breaking news.

It's easier on the reader to see "I was looking at this thread, and got to thinking that George's point about yada yada yada was way off base, IMO. The...."

It makes it clear that "this conversation happened long ago, and this conversation now is the result of it. Join in, and you're up to speed."
That's true George, we can always link back to the old threads. That probably does make it clearer.

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