Looking for opinions... (2008 NEC)
220.14(B) appears to allow the demand factors from table 220.54 to be utilized to calculate the branch circuit loads for clothes dryers installed in a laundromat.
Am I overthinking this? I was under the impression that the table recognized load diversity for single family through multi-family dwellings where it is unlikely that the majority of dryers would be operated at one time.
In a laundromat it would be likely that the majority of dryers would be used at the same time and that you wouldn't necessarily want to apply demand factors.
Any help appreciated.
220.14(B) appears to allow the demand factors from table 220.54 to be utilized to calculate the branch circuit loads for clothes dryers installed in a laundromat.
Am I overthinking this? I was under the impression that the table recognized load diversity for single family through multi-family dwellings where it is unlikely that the majority of dryers would be operated at one time.
In a laundromat it would be likely that the majority of dryers would be used at the same time and that you wouldn't necessarily want to apply demand factors.
Any help appreciated.