Cluster of Meter/main enclosures

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Senior Member
If I have one transformer and am installing 3 meter/main combo enclosures can they all share a common set of ground rods? Or does each service need a dedicated set?
As EF mentioned - one GES for the building. Multiple services as well as all separately derived systems must all bond to it somehow. However there may be more than one possible method of doing so.
Thanks, so one set for all three. Could I come off the closest rod with three acorns and a wire headed to each enclosure? I did read the code section, just trying to clarify what the best way to do this is.
If two of the enclosures are back to back, can I split bolt and come off the GEC as a tap? Trying to understand when a "tap" is allowed in this case. Thanks
Thanks, so one set for all three. Could I come off the closest rod with three acorns and a wire headed to each enclosure? I did read the code section, just trying to clarify what the best way to do this is.
That is one possible option.

If a rod(s) is the only electrode the largest conductor to a rod only need be 6 AWG even if the table calls for 3/0.

Could also run an unspliced #6 from one enclosure to the rod and then make 6 AWG taps off it to the other enclosures, or run taps to a bus bar then a GEC from there to the rod.
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