CO Home Inspector Rules

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Senior Member
I am in a training class and someone asked me a question about home inspections in Colorado. I am from MA so I don't know the answer for CO.

If a house that was originally wired in the 1940's had two wire receptacles, do they have to be changed to 3 wire if they want to sell the house?

I believe in MA if the house was code compliant when built, you don't have to make the change. In other words they cant make you upgrade to the current code.

What is the rule in CO?

Buck Parrish

Senior Member
In most areas the buyer and seller will negotiate to repair or bring some items up to code. But no one is made to do it to sell the house. I don't know about Co.

NEC states that if the old two prong outlets are changed to three prong. They either must have the third wire(grounding conductor)
Or they must be gfci protected and labled no eqipment ground.


Senior Member
I live in Denver , Colorado. As far as I know if the electrical was existing and had not been added to or altered from the original installation the wiring is still code complaint and 2 wire devices Can remain. some home inspectors will recommend to the buyer to change to 3 wire or add GFCI protection to kitchen bath, outside, etc.
we have lots of house with 2 wire circuits. Knob & tube wiring that have been bought and sold with no issues.

As a side note there is a local radio program here whose host is a consumer advocate. His show is basically trying to uncover scams and holding unethical business people to the fire. At one point several years ago he registered his Bernese Mountain dog as a certified home inspector.


Senior Member
Double Ditto

On another side note Colorado did pass a law requiring CO2 detectors be installed when a house is sold or rented.
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